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For Employers

Advertise Your Job With Us!

Making sure you have the best talent on your team is essential to a successful organization. Jobs in Benefits connects world-class organizations with qualified candidates to make your recruiting process quicker and easier. Join some of the top employers building their team through Jobs in Benefits and set your organization up for success. Stand out with our Featured Posting that will give your job posting added visibility and reach more candidates through social media. Post your job today to get started building your dream team today!

Find Your Next Great Hire—Post Your Job Now!

Posted jobs receive wide, yet targeted exposure, including:

  • Thousands of daily visitors
  • Over 7,000 subscribers to daily new jobs alerts
  • 34,000 International Foundation members
  • Candidates and graduates of the Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) program

Include Your Logo

At no extra charge, customize your posting with your organization's logo. Acceptable file formats are PNG, JPG or GIF with at least 72 dpi and a transparent or white background.

Featured Postings

Featured jobs enjoy premium placement on the International Foundation homepage. Featured jobs are also included in our daily member newsletter Today's Headlines, posted on the Foundation’s Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn sites, and included in a monthly email to 34,000 members.


​ Post a single job opening or purchase a Job Pack to sa​ve. Job Packs are valid for 12 months. Renewals are posted for 30 days.

New job postings run for 30 days.

U.S. Member U.S. Nonmember Canada Member Canada Nonmember
Job - Featured US$420.00 US$595.00 C$490.00 C$695.00
Job - New Ad US$300.00 US$425.00 C$350.00 C$495.00
Job Ad Renewal US$210.00 US$300.00 C$245.00 C$350.00
Job Postings - 5 pack US$1,200.00 US$1,700.00 C$1,400.00 C$1,980.00

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a member, but the form is charging the nonmember rate.
Prior to submitting your job posting, please email us stating you are a member and the discrepancy.

Where can ISCEBS members post a job?
All jobs ads are posted on the IFEBP website. ISCEBS members receive the member rate.

How do I make corrections to a job ad that is already posted?
Please email or call us (888) 334-3327, option 4. We’ll be glad to make the adjustments.

I filled the job I posted. Can it be taken down?
Yes, email us and we will remove the posting.

How soon will the ad I just posted appear on the website?
Job ads will appear within 24 hours. For Friday and weekend submissions, job ads will appear by Tuesday. We'll email you a link to the ad when it has been posted.

Can we pay by check or be invoiced for a job ad?
We require prepayment, preferably by credit card. If you're not able to pay by credit card, please email us and we'll send an invoice. Once payment is processed, your job ad will be posted.

What are the guidelines for renewing a job ad?
Job ads can be renewed within 15 days after the job ad expires only once at the discounted renewal rate. Any additional postings of the same job ad will be at the new posting rate. Please contact us at (888) 334-3327, option 4 or [email protected] to renew an ad.

Other Questions?

Contact us at (888) 334-3327, option 4 or [email protected]​​.

Contact Us!